Pattern Lab Node 1.2 Released
Just pushed patternlab-node 1.2, check out the release here
Here is the changelog:
- ADD: Abstracted template rendering into a function for easier swapping of rendering engine
- ADD: Smarter filtering of files to support other templates Thanks
- ADD: Help command line agument
- ADD: Version command line argument
- ADD: Patterns only command line argument
- ADD: IshControlsVisible options. Can now hide any ishControls you like.
- ADD: Documented the command line interface
- CHG: Put debug flag in conf.json instead of package.json
- CHG: Aligned styleguide css with patternlab-php
- FIX: Removed node .8 from travis
- FIX: Code and annotation support in patternlab viewer
- THX: thanks @ivanmayes and Shoptology crew for contibutions!
More change coming
Interest in patternlab-node is steadily increasing, as as such it needs to mature out of its brute-force port mentality. A notable watcher, Addy Osmani says on his blog:
First do it, then do it right, then do it better. This is one fundamental I always keep in mind when developing anything.
Patternlab node needs to do this. Next steps, extract patternlab-node into a core engine and allow different build systems to run it as a module. Grunt/Gulp, here we come!