Pattern Lab Node 0.9.0 Released
Pattern Lab 0.9.0 is shipped! In the span of a day or two, I received three pull requests, two of which provide major new functionality to Pattern Lab Node. Here is the CHANGELOG:
- FIX: Added grunt-contrib-copy args to copy all found source/css/*.css
- ADD: Added upgrade instructions to README
- FIX: Fix issue with styleguide accordions not closing upon click of a sibling menu.
- THX: @getsetbro for reporting more issues :)
- ADD: Added support for pattern search. This is ‘in beta’ and should have more testing applied to it.
- ADD: Added support for all keyboard shortcuts found in PL-PHP-v1.0.0
- FIX: Fixed an issue where Hay mode and Disco mode did not stop one another when using keyboard shortcuts
- FIX: Fix location of paragraph closing tag to wrap citation
- THX: @laurendorman for the pull request!
- FIX: Removed some dead code.
- ADD: Added View All links in each menu subsection
- THX: BIG THANKS TO @walmokrani for this work!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU TO the super people that made this release possible, @getsetbro @laurendorman and @walmokrani for finding time to use pl node, report issues, and even help code solutions. You all have no idea how energized this made me. You are all superheroes.
Upgrade Instructions
If upgrading this time, you may need to run an npm update
to get the new grunt-contrib-copy tool.
To upgrade, you can find some yet-unreleased documentation here:
You can view the specific release here:
Onward, to v1.0.0!