Pattern Lab Node 0.8.0 Released

Just merged the development branch of Pattern Lab Node into master and marked it for release. I am excited about this as it was the direct result of a concerted effort to document the project against Pattern Lab PHP, the original reference implementation.

Note Pattern Lab Node now follows a more logical semver system, with an eventual march toward v1.0.0!


You can view the specific release here:

Nearing “Done?”

It’s only taken me ~18 months(HOLY COW HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?), but Pattern Lab Node is maturing to the point where it can stand alone as a product, stepping out of the shadow created by Pattern Lab PHP. Hence, stargazers may notices on the issue tracker an exciting milestone: v1.0.0

Dave Oslen has been crazy hard at work during this time, creating a PHP Twig implementation of “Pattern Lab 2.0” complete with a killer plugin architecture. It’s the stuff of beauty. I am unsure what the future holds for me - as I think my efforts might be best contributed there - but I will keep Pattern Lab Node functional and responding to user needs for the foreseeable future.

Thanks to everyone that continues to discover, use, and report feedback to Pattern Lab Node.

Originally posted 02/11/15 - Brian Muenzenmeyer - Follow me on Twitter
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