January 2016 Month In Review

Month in Review

The first month of Una Kravets’ open-source goal tracking. I think I did alright for myself - chief accomplishments being way more reading than I have in ages. I transferred a lot of wasted time surfing reddit or whatever in favor of reading - and even lost myself a few nights reading instead of coding - an imbalance I haven’t reveled in since highschool.

There were some things I didn’t get done - like getting my atom autocomplete plugin fully functional, but this was mostly at the expense of learning more about the atom plugin architecture (my goal in the first place), and getting Pattern Lab Node 1.1.0 ready for prep. As Una stated, not getting something isn’t worth dwelling on - so I’m not going to.

I enjoyed month one and am looking forward to February!

Things I Did From the List:

Additional Things I Did:

Things I Didn’t Get to/Finish:

Originally posted 01/31/16 - Brian Muenzenmeyer - Follow me on Twitter
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